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THE WANDERING EARTH II : Is China selling nationalism through Sci-fi movies? | Overlap

Chinese sci-fi blockbuster "Wandering Earth Ⅱ" has received seriously polarizing reviews since its release. People who love it highly praise the Sci-fi scenes and the grand themes, that humanity as a whole should come together as opposed to how we divide. While people who hate it claim that China is selling nationalism through this kind of cultural product. In this episode of Overlap, we have Eugene Puryear from #BreakthroughNews and Kris Yang from Guancha talk about all these topics.

Overlap, a show collaborated by #WaveMedia, a private media house in China, and #BreakthroughNews, an independent media in the US. It's a global conversation show, with a rotating set of hosts in the US and China, to discuss life, politics and culture in our respective countries, to push back the cold war atmosphere, that makes us isolated, demonized and punished.

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