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Leaders Line Up to Visit Beijing Instead of D.C. | Speak Softly

Leaders Line Up to Visit Beijing Instead of D.C. | Speak Softly Within a week, leaders from four countries paid a visit to the re-elected General Secretary Xi. Their trips to Beijing are regarded, by ...

THE WANDERING EARTH II : Is China selling nationalism through Sci-fi movies? | Overlap

THE WANDERING EARTH II : Is China selling nationalism through Sci-fi movies? | Overlap Chinese sci-fi blockbuster “Wandering Earth Ⅱ” has received seriously polarizing reviews since its re...

“We Seek No New Cold War with China,” Said Biden

As leaders gathered at G20 Bali Summit, U.S. President Joe Biden met his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping and committed that his country seeks no conflict with China; Meanwhile, containment against Chin...

Entering in a post American age, will China be the new hegemony? | Jeffery Sachs

Statistics show that China has overtaken the US as the world's largest economy after lifting nearly 100 million people out of abject poverty. Stepping into post American era, will China become the nex...