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  • “We Seek No New Cold War with China,” Said Biden

    As leaders gathered at G20 Bali Summit, U.S. President Joe Biden met his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping and committed that his country seeks no conflict with China; Meanwhile, containment against China from multiple fronts seems only tightened. Will these talks change anything? Charles and Einar make their educated guesses.

  • Entering in a post American age, will China be the new hegemony? | Jeffery Sachs

    Statistics show that China has overtaken the US as the world’s largest economy after lifting nearly 100 million people out of abject poverty. Stepping into post American era, will China become the next dominant power? What is the destination of global change? Professor Jeffery Sachs gives his views on these issues.

  • What do Indians and Chinese think about each other?

    As the two largest populations in the world, China and India have been maintaining a good civilizational relationship as neighbors for over a thousand years. The constantly evolving relationships between China and India has also been a viral topic in both countries. We went on the streets to ask what Indians and Chinese think about each other’s country.

  • Who’s pushing Africa to China?

    Africa is now standing at a crossroads, seeking a sustainable development path for this continent. Today, we have the President of the Socialist Party of Zambia, Fred M’membe, and the convener of the Socialist Movement of Ghana, Kyeretwie Opoku to tell us about how does the experience of China inspire African countries. Prof. Fred M’membe was named as one of its World Press Freedom Heroes by the International Press Institute. He supported the liberation struggles in southern Africa and other parts of the world with a true spirit of internationalism. Kyeretwie Opoku is a committed socialist and a strong supporter of the African integration (Pan-Africanism).

  • Brazilian President Lula on China’s Stake in Latin America

    Brazilian President Lula on China’s Stake in Lati […]

  • An “Asian Union” is On the Way | Thinkers Forum·Zhang Weiwei & Vijay Prashad

    A united Asia as one integrated continent might sound fabulous, but opinions are divided already at the first step – what counts as an “Asian state”? Russia has most of its territory in Asia yet recognizes itself as European; Australia even considers itself a continent; Turkey hopes to join the EU instead of its Asian companies… There are lots of obstacles ahead of this vision of the Asian Union. Professor Zhang Weiwei and professor Vijay Prashad now deal with this identity problem: How to lay the groundwork for this pan-continental cooperation?

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